Friday, September 16, 2011

Sunrise, Sunset

One of my aunts is turning 70 tomorrow. One of my uncles turned 70 in May. My other aunt and uncle aren't far behind. When did that happen? How did that happen? Wasn't it yesterday when I was a little girl and they were in their 20s?

Good grief! I feel like someone out of Fiddler on the Roof. It's 'Sunrise, Sunset' in reverse!

In 20-odd years, I'll be the same age.  Boy, 20 years isn't such a long time to me at this point, it being less than half my life. When I was 20, 20 years was forever. I'm not one of those that frets or gets weird about aging.  It's happening and short of either a miracle or dying, there's no way to stop it.  Since death isn't an option (especially since I'm under strict orders from my sweetie not to die before him) and miracles such as that don't happen, I'll age and I'll do it gracefully.  But my family, the people who have been in my life my whole life, are almost as old as my grandmotehr and father were when they died. I don't ... that isn't sitting well. Suddenly, I feel ten years old again.

You know, I was 14 when my period started. I remember the exact moment. We were at Nana's and had been swimming in the pool at the lodge. I went to the washroom and there it was.

"MU-U-UM!!!" I shrieked as I raced back outside. Every woman there knew what had happened. So did I. I'd seen the movies in health class and had been waiting for it, but that doesn't mean it didn't hit me like a ton of bricks. Mum took me up to the house and, using some of her supplies, showed me what to do with what.

When each of my nieces started her period, my sister took them out for a special day to celebrate. Sort of a welcome to womanhood. I liked that. Makes it special instead of something to be dreaded.

It occurs to me that I won't have that kind of memory when my period ends.  One day, I'll just realize that it's been over a year since I had one. That's that. Kind of anti-climactic when you think about it. There should be fireworks to mark the day.  You know, I believe it's the Chinese who say that a person isn't an adult until he or she has reached the age of 50. Is it a coincidence that a woman's period ends around that age? So, maybe a 'welcome to adulthood' party.

Kwan Yin, (Guanyin in Chinese) in Buddhism is the bodhisattva of Compassion. Her name generally means 'the one who hears the cries of the world'. In English, she tends to be known as the Goddess of Mercy.

I'm not sure why, but as I wrote today's post, she kept coming to my mind. Thought I'd share her with you. She's known for kindness; she's a mother-goddess and patron of mothers and seamen.

Patron of Mothers. I like that.

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