Tuesday, September 20, 2011

General Musing

I saw my psychologist today. She's very pleased with my progress when it comes to quitting smoking. That was good. I showed her the picture of my EEG activity during my sleep study and she was stunned at how busy it was. All in all, a good visit.

I'm still researching wedding dresses. Found some interesting sites and when I have a comprehensive list, I'll post it here. But I do want to highlight one designer I found today. Claire Pettibone has some truly interesting dresses.

Some are quite whimsical, others more kind of traditional, but all of them have lovely details and many are sophisticated in nature. I pulled these two photos off her website.

Today's search started because I got the idea of a convertible or break away wedding dress. You know, the kind where the skirt can be partially removed and you're left with a shorter dress. 

From weddinggirl.ca
I like this idea and will look into it more. So far, however, the dress remaining after the break away is removed is quite short, like the one above. I have good legs and, apparently, according to my sweetie, a great ass, but I'm not sure I could get away with this one!

Fergie from DavidTuterabyFaviana.com
This is a more traditional-looking convertible dress by David Tutera. It's a little frilly for my liking, but a good example of what I mean. Believe it or not, I got this idea watching the tv show "Four Weddings" on the weekend. Yes, I subjected my sweetie to this first thing Sunday morning. He put up with it, with a little grumbling. It's an interesting idea and I'm going to look into it more.

And then there's this one from Jasmine Couture.

I like this one because it converts into a full-length gown instead of a mini-dress!

It's a little more adult, more classic

So, the options are out there. I'm still trying to figure out exactly what I want. I think that's probably the first step! Grrr. I hate making this kind of decision. At least I have some time.

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