Friday, September 23, 2011

OK, Slightly Less Bitchy Today

A friend at the office is getting married soon. We were talking about our plans; her at the end of her planning, me just beginning. I was telling her about yesterday's post on bridal magazines, which is actually one of the reasons I started this blog. She laughed and said that those magazines were useless for her for the same reasons! Now, she's about 15 years younger than me (maybe closer to 20), so I was amazed that she felt the same way. She recounted a story about being in high school and having to plan a wedding with her partner. They had to budget for an apartment and a car, as well as for the wedding. "Those magazines were perfect when I was 16!" she laughed. "Now, I don't see the point."

Being from Canada, she figures there's no point in looking at bridal mags from the States. We can't buy any of the stuff anyway. She chuckled when I told her that Canadian Brides magazine was full of ads for stores in the States. She agreed with my assessment of Elegant Weddings, out of Toronto. But then, she told me about Toronto Life Magazine's Wedding Guide. She said it was great.

So, I checked it out online. It is great. There's a super interview with caterer, Arpi Magyar, that has several really good tips for saving money and making your dinner go smoothly. A lovely set of suggestions on bouquets and boutonieres, as well as wedding cakes. And a lovely piece with Andrea Anastasiou, the owner of a bridal shop in Yorkville called White, talking about picking your dress. I might actually buy the 2011 version.

Still nothing for the bride of a certain age, but some truly useful suggestions. By the way, my friend confirmed the florist thing I mentioned yesterday. She advised me to only pick flowers that are in season (which in the winter will be difficult, but I get the drift); she actually ran her hand down her face in weariness on this one. She's doing exacty what the article I mentioned yesterday suggested; buying the entire bulk order of the flowers she ordered and using them around the venue.

I know her day is going to be fantastic. She's put a lot into it. I have a feeling my day is also going to be wonderful. Just have to get through the next 15 months!

1 comment:

  1. Heh! I'm also at the beginning of my wedding planning, and you know what else I'm finding useless? "How to get Married on a Budget" books. There are some good suggestions, but I was horrified and some of the things they were suggesting, like trying to get wedding service companies (flowers, accessories, planners, etc) to give you their services for free in exchange for an ad in your wedding program, starting up a webpage asking for donations ($$, services or gifts) from complete strangers to fund your wedding, hosting "fund raiser parties", or trying to work your wedding registry so that you can get the maximum amount of money back on returns. My eyes bugged out!

    Meanwhile, I've found that bridal magazines are really only useful for getting ideas, not looking at where to shop. There are a couple of websites that have proved useful to me so far! We should get together and swap info sometime! :)
