Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Back to Breasts

So, my sweetie loves my new breasts. They're much fuller these days.

"I lvoe your new breasts!" he exclaimed. I started feeling oddly shy and made some comment reflecting that. I think I even blushed, for god sake.

"Look at you. You're 12 again," he laughed. And you know? He was right. Suddenly, I was 12 years old again and feelign shy about my changing body.  Only this time, I know pretty much who I am and am confident in that. It makes a huge difference.

Still, these new breasts tick me off a little. I mean, I had reduction surgery for crying out loud. There was a reason for that! But I'm not really upset, just really irritated.

So, what the hell is this all about, anyway?

According to what I've read, women get fuller/swollen, more tender breasts in perimenopause due to excess estrogen. If that's the case, my estrogen has been in excess mode for a month now! Another article I found said that my estrogen was too low. So what the heck??! Frustratingly, that was about all I found. Most articles or webpages talk about tender breasts, breast cancer and hot flashes. Very few can explain the mechanism behind it. So, I'm going to take it as it comes on this one. If anyone has any input, I'd appreciate it.

I looked into Evening Primrose Oil, as one of the articles I found indicated that this could be helpful. Unfortunately, the studies show otherwise. Or more correctly, they are inconclusive. This article, from Medline Plus says that it's a good dietary source of essential fatty acids, it's possibly effective on breast pain (but not longterm breast pain), and possibly ineffective on hot flashes and night sweats.

The website Menopause A to Z talks about studies having been done, including a huge one ($80,000,000) by a pharmaceutical company in Canada, but it doesn't link us to the study, or the findings or anything that will tell us what the outcomes were. It does say that many women do find benefit in taking Evening Primrose Oil, and I infer from the article that this could be due to the essential fatty acids present in it. Apparently, menopausal women are lacking in these fatty acids, so the health benefits of taking Evening Primrose Oil might be good just for that alone.

As for me and my new breasts? In the meantime, I'm going to see what I can come up with on the medical side of it. There has to be a reason this happens and there has to be a webpage somewhere that can answer my questions. Doesn't there?

I figure I'll just have fun for the time being. I haven't changed cup sizes, just fill in what I have a bit better. There have to be perqs, right?

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