Thursday, September 15, 2011

On the Importance of Sleep

So, I had a sleep study done some months ago and finally had the follow-up today. Apparently, I have Fibromyalgia, which I already knew since it is a secondary diagnosis to my inflammatory arthritis. Anyway, this is the first time something conclusive has come up in a sleep study (although there was a sign of it back during my last sleep study in 2003). They found two things: moderate alpha EEG Sleep Disorder and Severe Periodic EEG Sleep Disorder. Alpha waves occur all the time when you're awake. They're part of the fight or flight impulse, constantly monitoring for danger and what's going on around you. In most people, they stop during sleep. In me, they don't, which means I'm not getting into stages 4 and 5 of sleep - basically, the recuperative levels of sleep when your body repairs itself. Not only that, but I have periodic spikes in brain activity that bring me almost to full consciousness.

Photo from
What the doctor at the sleep clinic told me is that I need to boost my para-sympathetic system to ease the constant feeling of fight or flight anxiety. Mindful meditation, Tai Chi, Yoga, Relaxation techniques will all be extremely beneficial for me. The doctor didn't feel that Pilates would be relaxing, except that I find it so because it focusses my brain in much the same way Tai Chi does. I loved Tai Chi when I was doing it all the time, by the way. My god it's wonderful. A moving meditation. I don't meditate easily. I get bored and the monkeys start chattering away. Same thing happens when I do Yoga, by the way. I was bored stupid when I was doing it. Anyway, when I have movement to focus on (yes, I know, Yoga is movement, but it's boring movement), it quiets the chattering monkeys and allows me to relax. The doctor also suggested I work with a naturopath actively again, so I'm going to think about that.

What I find interesting is that the techniques that will help keep me de-stressed when in the midst of perimenopausal crap will also help me get better sleep. Time to do something about it, I suppose.

Grumble grumble grouse. Why can't these things just fix themselves!!

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