Tuesday, October 04, 2011

I'd sick

Good grief. You know it's coming. It always does. Especially after a period of massive longterm stress, but for some reason, the stress cold always takes you by surprise. It came on yesterday. Over about 90 minutes my body fell apart. I went home early from work. My sweetie made a special trip downtown to pick me up because I was so miserable. I took today off work and tomorrow. I had to cancel my visit with my therapist today, since I was not going to be leaving the house, but I have an appointment with my rheumatologist tomorrow that I must go to. It was booked months ago and he needs to know some things.

Anyway, I spent all day on the couch looking at wedding stuff. Talked to a venue. Quizzed a friend about his wedding last July (he's as sick as me, by the way). I shall have to sit down with his bride and pick her brains. They made a lot of decisions that my sweetie and I really liked. Went to theknot.com. I love their magazine by the way. Not the usual fluff and froufrou. Bored myself stupid with it, as you can imagine after eight hours of non-stop wedding. Got some ideas, tho.

And my period started yesterday as well. Not a banner day. But it was right on time. I think I didn't notice my PMS last week, since I was already so overwrought it slipped under the radar. My sweetie didn't miss it, tho. He can sense my hormonal shifts and in the week prior to my period becomes extremely amorous.

So, that's where it stands. Hopefully, tomorrow I'll feel more like a proper post, but I wanted to touch base today. I felt badly about not posting yesterday. Frankly, between the cold and the rum-laced hot toddy my sweetie made me last night, I was in no shape to think about anything.

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