Friday, October 21, 2011

We're Hanging In

We still haven't heard anything. My sweetie has the Sword of Damacles hanging over his head and the not knowing when it will fall is becoming extremely difficult to bear.

He has turned a corner, now. He started thinking more clearly a couple of days ago. Started making phone calls. People are trying to help us get a family law specialist to talk to us so we aren't just flailing about in the dark. We don't know how to handle this at this point. He's frightened.

I'm back at work, better able to concentrate now that my sweetie has surfaced. But I'm frightened and worried all the time. I keep waiting for this nightmare to end. I'll wake up and laugh at how real it all seemed. But it is real. I'm not going to wake up. We're trying to make plans, make decisions these last 24 hours and I have trouble focussing because a part of me is waiting for it all to be proved unreal.

Neither of us is eating properly. It's bad enough for me, but his blood sugar is completely messed up.

Anyway, I just wanted to update you. We are starting to move forward a little. Not fast enough. Not for what we're facing. But at least we are starting to do things.

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