Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A Summer of Firsts

Two firsts happened in my life this summer.

First number one, I entered perimenopause. June's period lasted a week longer than usual. July's period never occurred. August's started and ended exactly when it should have. Still waiting on September's. I'm 47 years old, so this should be no surprise. In fact, I've been waiting for it. My grandmother was 39 when she started. My mother, 41, and my aunt 43. So, really, I'm old for this.

You know, I've heard about the books, but never read them. Maybe, I should have. My boobs got bigger. Dear god. I've been a 36C since I had my breast reduction when I was 21. A couple of years ago, that went up to a 36D, but I didn't think anything of it. You gain weight. You lose weight. Bought a new bra last week, 36D. It fit perfectly. Suddenly, three days later, my breasts are overflowing it ... ever so slightly ... but they're heavier, too! And tender! Good grief.

And emotional? I've been on the verge of tears for three days! Moody for longer. More moody than usual, I mean. Could be stress. There's been a lot of stress in our lives this year. Could be the PMS that made everyone around me's life miserable when I was younger, but had learned to overcome as I matured, is getting worse again. Or ... I'm just plain hormonal 24/7. Good god.

Second first? Marriage. We've been talking about it for years, but this July we set a date. January 13, 2013. I've always wanted a winter wedding; his lucky number is 13. The date adds up to an 11, which in numerological terms is extremely good - the number of dreams and inspiration.

So, I started looking at bridal magazines. They're in every grocery store check-out line. And they're useless!!! I'm 47 years old and these things are written for 22 year olds. The dresses are non-stop froufrou. Jeepers creepers, if those skirts get anymore crinoline and tulle added, the brides' feet won't come near the floor!

And most of them assume that the bride has some unlimited budget, probably because Daddy's paying for it. When is someone going to put together a magazine for women of a certain age. We get married, too, you know! In fact, these days, what with divorce rates being so high, a lot of women of a certain age are getting married. Not many getting married for the first time, however.

And then there are venues. The one I'd really like would cost $15,000 for 100 people, plus taxes. I almost had a heart attack. If I still had my tonsils, I'd've inhaled them. So, we're trying to get creative about venues. Historic houses, art galleries, that kind of thing. We'll see what happens. Before we can make a firm decision on that, we have to make a list so we know how big a venue we really need. As long as it has windows. Big windows so that during the ceremony you can see the snow outside. I've already warned my sweetie that he'd better be prepared to truck snow in, just in case we have a snowless January.

So, that's the first post of Kat's M(arriage) and M(enopause).